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Let's talk about it over hot chocolate! No, really. I want to get to KNOW you. What makes your heart beat, who makes your life special, WHERE did you get your outfit, and why aren't we best friends yet? So pleeease email me at malloryhurstphotography(at) or call/text me at 1-208-283-0155!

{ baby dallin }

I'm posting a little late... I've been doing some re-design work on my blog (obviously), my website (coming soon to a computer near you), and my logo and business card.

I'm really excited about these changes!!! And I'm really excited about this post.

I met baby Dallin at one of the weddings I photographed in Boise last year. Hands down, I, along with every other woman in that reception center, thought he was the cutest baby who ever lived.

I decided to do most of Dallin's shots with him in his birthday suit, and WHAT A TROOPER! We made it through heart-piercing cries, streaming "potty lines", lots of moving around, and lots of bright flashes. But, we made it. And we came out shining on the other side.

It was such a joy to watch his mom and dad on their new path in parenthood, and it was a pure pleasure to be able to spend my morning photographing this tiny little heart-breaker.

Cutest baby who ever lived? Tall order?.... yes. Filled?.... I'll let you be the judge.


Trenton & Joelle Hegerhorst said...

Oh Mallory, I am so glad to see him on here. I think that he is the cutest baby ever but I am a little bias. Thanks so much for the pictures. You are AMAZING!